Friday, April 6, 2012

Best UFO Hoax Ever? Cop Vaporized during Traffic Stop (Video)

UFO true believers hate hoax videos because they weaken support for the cause. Most hoax videos are amateurish at best, barely elevated beyond the pie-tin on a string variety.
And, with video editing tools increasing in sophistication while lowering in cost, even the casual hobbyist is capable of making fake videos that would have turned a 1980s Steven Spielberg green with envy. So laziness is barely tolerated.
Making an alien visitor video go viral is getting harder all the time because the paranormal community doesn't suffer lazy fools gladly.
Flashing orbs, folding triangles, and unidentified flying objects caught zooming past jumbo jet windows are so 2000-late. In other words, there has to be some creativity involved to make believers click and engage debate.
That's why this UFO video is bound to go, literally, out of this world viral.
Technically, it's not even a UFO video. It only implies a visiting spacecraft has already landed and an alien is using an automobile to blend in better.

In it, a cop is making a traffic stop along a dark and desolate highway. Warily approaching the car, he seems to be observing all the rules for keeping himself safe from a potentially desperate criminal willing to do anything to get away.
But what if the driver is from another world with access to a weapon there is no defense against?
It's best not to spoil the effect. Suffice to say that this is (hopefully) a hoax video.
And it's the best one to come down the turnpike in a long time.
Have a look:


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